Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

Bachelor program

Be trained in the most trending computer science area for the years to come.

The program in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence is a new bachelor program covering a significant and trending area. The program aims to provide rock-solid competence and skills in applied computer science and build a thorough knowledge of artificial intelligence's foundations and applications.

The courses offered, carefully distributed over the three years of the program, address a variety of topics in CS and AI, intelligently intertwined:

  • CS courses ranging from programming and algorithms to architectures and systems to human-computer interaction and security will provide the necessary background to design and implement non-trivial computer applications, as well as the capability of tackling the AI topics
  • AI courses, ranging from artificial intelligence to machine learning to deep learning, will provide a thorough knowledge in this field's foundations, mastering the implementation and application of AI-based techniques to holistically designed computer systems and applications.

Laboratory courses will train students' implementation capabilities on realistic problems using state of the art tools, IDEs, and SDKs. Seminars, held by academia and company experts, will complete the knowledge spectrum with real-world applications and solutions.

As a first-level graduate student in this bachelor's degree, you will be able to successfully deal with both a master's degree course (in Italy or abroad) or with a professional career in a company. Industry and academia are looking for experts in this area, and they will hire more and more graduates in AI in the years to come.


The program started in the academic year 2020-2021 with the courses of the first year. The courses of the second and third year will begin in a.y. 2021-22 and a.y. 2022-23, respectively. All courses are held in English.


First Year

  • Calculus
  • Programming
  • Programming 2
  • Computer Architecture
  • Algorithms
  • Physics
  • Linear Algebra

Second Year

  • Systems and Networking
  • Data Management and Analysis
  • Probability
  • Statistics
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • AI Lab: Computer Vision and NLP
  • Calculus 2

Third Year

  • Foundations of Computer Science
  • Choose 4 out of the following:
    • Deep Learning
    • Cybersecurity
    • Optimization
    • Web and Software Architecture
    • Human-Computer Interaction
    • Business & Computer Science
    • Law & Computer Science
  • Internship

A good fit if you

  • Are passionate about making the world more advanced, more connected, in one word: smarter
  • Have a desire to develop a repertoire of IT skills for a successful career in the field of your choice
  • Aim at being part of and contribute to the progress of information society
  • Want to know more about both foundational concepts and cutting-edge advancements in computer science and artificial intelligence
  • Love the idea to build your knowledge in English, inside an international environment, in the eternal city of Rome



To be admitted to the degree program, you must have a high school diploma, or another qualification obtained abroad recognized as suitable, and have adequate knowledge of English.

To successfully tackle the study path, basic knowledge of physics and mathematics is needed, which is normally provided by the upper secondary school. Logical and comprehension skills of written texts and speech are also required, as well as mastery of expression through writing.

Admission Procedures

To assess the required and mandatory knowledge to gain admittance to our degree programme, you can choose between the two following tests: TOLC-I (Online Test of CISIA – Engineering) or SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test). For further information on the entrance exam, the schedule of the selection rounds, the enrolment procedure, etc., please carefully read the call for applications  (“Call - Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence”, available in Italian and English).

Schedule, syllabi and more

For more information on the lectures’ schedule, syllabi, instructors and more, please visit